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Measure of Entrepreneurial Talents and Abilities - Disruptive Talent (META DT)

Measures entrepreneurial potential in individuals.

Entrepreneurship is the genesis of business innovation and growth. All entrepreneurial activity starts at the individual level and some individuals have much more potential for it than others. Disruptive innovation threatens every business in every sector and happens with increasing frequency and speed. The only effective response to the threat is to build the capacity to innovate yourself. The META Disruptive Talent is a psychometric measure designed to help businesses identify, understand, and retain people with the ability to drive business innovation.


The META Disruptive Talent includes the following scales:

IDEATION:The generation of innovative business ideas

  • Curiosity: The strong desire to know and learn new things

  • Creativity: The ability to generate original ideas, to create and invent

  • Belief: The propensity to act on conviction, rather than trying to please others

EXECUTION: The realisation or application of innovative business ideas

  • Opportunism: The tendency to spot new business opportunities

  • Proactivity: The energy and willingness to get stuff done straight away

  • Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties -toughness; determination

LEADERSHIP: Leading innovative people and teams

  • Vision: The tendency to have a meaningful mission in life and to see the bigger picture

  • Authority: The tendency to take charge of situations; to command, control and direct

  • Stability: The ability to remain calm and optimistic under pressure

DERAILERS: Behaviours that may have a detrimental impacton a person’s performance and career progress.

  • Hubris: Excessive pride or self-confidence

  • Mercurial: The degree to which an individual demonstrates a ‘mercurial temperament’ (impulsivity, unpredictability, and eccentricity)

  • Dominance: The degree to which an individual demonstrates overbearing behaviour


  • Recruit- and select people with the potential to generate, execute and lead business innovation

  • Identify the hidden disruptive talent in your organisation and provide a framework for its development

  • Build high-performing teams, ensuring the best possible combination of people, in order to maximise creative thinking, innovation and growth


  • Disruptive Talent Profile Report: The report has been designed to help businesses identify, understand and retain people with the ability to drive business innovation.

  • Manager Report: Designed to be used by the manager. The report provides a profile of the candidate’s scores and implications that are useful for the manager in developmental processes with the candidate.


South African researchand local norms are available,as well as various case studies showcasing the use of the META in organisations. JVR Psychometrics also welcomesthe opportunity to partner with clients in conducting research studies in their organisations.

Product Info



Age range

16 years and older

Administration time

Not specified


Global and SA Norms



Administration Platform


Integrated reports



Gorkan Ahmetoglu and Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic


Meta Limited

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